Do you believe one of the key qualities of success depends on how resourceful you are?
You'd be right.
Resourcefulness is the KEY to living a laptop lifestyle! We covered it in our book, but we’ll get onto that in a minute.
But first, a warning . . .
This is going to be a bit of a rant – but in a good way –
Because we want to help you,
Actually, we want to help you help yourself.
You see, we’ve noticed lately . . .
As we’re helping quite a few people set up their online businesses, there’s a LOT of people who simply aren't resourceful enough.
It’s got to the point now where we can tell who’s going to sink and who’s going to swim!
Now it’s not entirely their fault they lack resourcefulness. We believe that the school system and society is to blame because we’re not taught problem solving and the ways of the world at school. Plus in this fast paced world in which we live, we’ve grown to expect instant answers handed to us on a plate. We pay our money and expect things to be easy – just because we’ve paid money. But it's not the case.
So people don’t research stuff any longer!
But . . .
If you really want to give up your day job, work when you want, where you want, and achieve living a laptop lifestyle in your own time frame, you’re going to have to focus on being resourceful.
Tony Robbins, The Guru himself, says it best. Watch this quick video – it’s only a minute and a half long:
Tony asks – when people fail to achieve their goals . . . what reasons do they give?
• I don’t have enough time
• I don’t have enough money
• I don’t know the technology
• I don’t have enough contacts
• I don’t have enough experience
They claim to be lacking resources! We hear it all the time.
But, as Tony Robbins says, the defining factor is NOT a lack of resources . . .
It’s a lack of resourcefulness!
The ultimate resource you need to operate an online business is resourcefulness.
Every human being has it within them. The question is whether you access it or not!
Your resourcefulness is all about your:
• Creativity
• Determination
• Love Learning
• Curiosity
• Passion
The thing is . . .
Successful people get the resources no one else can! Because they’re resourceful!
If you believe you don’t have enough time – consider stop watching telly, or learn while you commute, or use your lunch time productively, or get a cleaner at home, or enlist the help of others to help out with the children, or hire a virtual assistant . . . the list goes on.
How do successful Mumpreneurs manage to raise a family, manage a business, and do charity work all at the same time? They love learning and they use their time creatively.
Everyone has the same 24 hours each day. Without exception! How come some people achieve so much more in the same 24 hours?
Use the time you have wisely. Remain focused and determined.
On the other hand,
Maybe the reason you don’t succeed is because you don’t have enough money.
We know someone who sold their telly (because they didn’t have time to watch it any more) in order to have a marketing budget. Then they reinvested their profits into their business in order to make it grow.
Because so many things online are free, people expect setting up an online business is also going to be free. But that’s a joke! We’ve found there are two things that are certainly not free.
It costs to advertise and it costs to source top-notch marketing training.
There’s a good reason for that. Marketing is the most vital skill you can have online and advertising is the fastest way to get results.
Of course it’s possible to do all your own research and to leverage social media for free leads – but it takes a LOT of time to gain momentum, and most people give up because they don’t have the determination and passion to keep going.
That’s another big reason for not getting started which we hear a lot. In fact, I confess that I (Fiona) ‘thought' I was technophobic – but I’ve since proven myself wrong – and have now built dozens of websites, and mastered most of the technology needed in an online business.
For me, I had been telling myself I couldn’t do certain geeky things, which of course meant I did fluff them up (‘cos I'm human and didn’t want to be proven wrong, did I? Which is a self-fulfilling prophecy!!!). BUT, I persevered . . . until I got to master them!
What’s interesting to note is that Steve Jobs wasn’t technical, and nor are Bill Gates and Richard Branson.
To overcome the belief where you don’t ‘think' you understand technology, simply get the right video training, and watch it over and over again until it sinks in. Get it?
As for not having enough contacts and experience – that applies to everyone when they start at the very beginning of anything. Simply get resourceful.
A lack of resourcefulness and need for hand holding won’t get you anywhere in online business. You owe it to yourself to take responsibility for your business and think for yourself.
The enormous advantage about being resourceful is – you begin to look within yourself for answers first to solve whatever issue crops up. Instead of whining about a problem, you’ll be able to nut it out for yourself – which is a very satisfying feeling indeed.
Rant over 🙂
Please remember this . . .
Successful People Are Resourceful
They soldier on and get stuff done. They nut out their problems and find their own solutions. They watch training again and again, until it sinks in.
We’ve learnt that if you want to succeed in online business – you have to get resourceful, change your mindset, and change the notion that people HAVE to help you. They don’t.
We choose to help people like us, because we love helping people who are happy to help themselves. It’s all in the spirit of watching someone change their life – like we did. But they have to seriously want to help themselves first!
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