You’ve probably heard us reference our online business a lot – particularly how it gives us the freedom and flexibility to travel the world 9 months each year and live our best life.
You’re wondering if you can do it too?
Maybe wondering what you’ll need to do to run it, day to day?
Perhaps wondering what skills you need to learn vs what skills you have already?
Wonder no more ???? We've recorded a video for you to tell you:
We know there are many visually oriented people who don't have a tangible sense of what a digital business comprises – what it looks like – how it works – and what you have to do to run it.
So, we thought we'd share the highest, most overreaching, principle of doing ANY business online involves helping people solve a problem.
And you do that by giving value.
And we'll cover what we mean by value in a minute.
The Big Principal in Online Business Today
But first, we'll explain, at a high level, or as an overview, the big principal we strive to achieve in our business all the time – and that is:
help people every day get further away from where they don’t want to be and closer to where they do want to be
And the easiest way we do that is by sharing the story of our journey online. How we went from stressed out employees to stress free entrepreneurs having a built an online business that places key emphasis on lifestyle first.
Heck, we went as far as to write a book about our failings and the mistakes to avoid, but you don't need to write a book. I (Fiona) kinda needed to prove a point as I'd gone through life misbelieving numbers were my only strength – which is why I trained to become an Accountant. So, I needed to embrace my creative side and switch off the limiting belief I'd about being rubbish at writing, grammar and the English language. That's one of the reasons we wrote our book, anyway.
Living A Laptop Lifestyle
Living A Laptop Lifestyle tells the story of our journey from being laid off from our corporate jobs, getting uncomfortable with learning a new skill without having to go back to school to study, and failing forward in our quest to create the perfect income. Which is an income which is easily scalable, with unlimited upside, and is also generated largely passively – so we have time to be tourists and travel the world 9 months each year.
That story is also here on our website – we wrote it once, but different people swing by our website every day to read our story and get the sense of self-belief they can transform their lifestyles too.
And we share many snapshots of our journey is this post: What Is A Digital Life, And Why Should You Care
Share Your Journey
So, the key principal we want to help you understand today, is you need to be prepared to share your journey, like:
- what you've achieved in life so far,
- what's not quite worked out as planned,
- what mistakes you've made,
- what you're not happy about and why and how it makes you feel, and then share
- what action you're taking to make change happen for you.
We see it time and again in the Six Figure Mentors community we're members of – the value in the community is people sharing their stories, their learnings, their fears, their little wins, and their eventual successes.
So, the people in our digital community who share their journey, and don't hide away and say nothing, are more likely to succeed because today we live in a world where your journey is your value.
People who succeed take part in community because they’re willing to share and give value – everything in business these days is about adding value to the lives of others.
What's in it for YOU?
The person you become and the advice you give based on your experience and journey is of huge value to others setting out on the same journey as you.
You'll become a person of impact and value to society. Even if that value or information is:
- something you learned yourself only last week, or
- how you battled and overcame a fear or concern, or
- how you set up your home office, or
- why you're starting an online business…
Everything like that is worth sharing and makes you a person of value.
When you share and are a wee bit vulnerable in your sharing, you'll find what it is you're looking for.
When you give value by sharing your story – money will surely follow – as it’s certainly true for all these people.
So, hopefully you understand that the ROI is your journey because you've become valuable.
Your Personal Value
You don't have to be someone you're not, you simply have to be your authentic self and share what you're up to in the world:
- Maybe you had a rubbish day at work, perhaps your boss took all the credit for something you did, or
- perhaps you worked your but off to meet a report deadline and no-one looked at your report a week later, or
- perhaps your boss simply got out of bed the wrong side and needed to vent at someone and that someone just happened to be you
In those scenarios, sharing how you coped, or what did you do to turn the situation around, is very valuable information to someone who's got little idea how to handle that scenario from a self-reassurance standpoint. Right?
When you're relatable, and share the ups and downs in life, it makes you stand out. Because life isn’t always a bed of roses, is it?
It’s our stories that connect. So, age/sex/nationalty don't matter. It's our beliefs, our characters, and our perspectives, that matter.
Those You Can't Help With Your Online Business
There are some people out there looking for something we can't offer them, simply because their expectations are totally unrealistic. So, they don't come from the space, or the idea, of wanting to improve themselves by embracing personal development. However personal development is the key to success, it’s the inner game of always growing and improving yourself.
The people we can't help, aren’t willing to give a little bit of themselves, and aren’t willing to share any value.
So, it's super important to be of value and to have integrity in today's social world. That's why everything is centred around community and culture and personal progression.
That's why we keep up with the community, stay checked in, and always reach out to help others who are one or two steps behind us.
Hope you see that by being personal, relatable, and sharing value, is the primary principle in creating a winning digital business that provides you with a perfect income?

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