How To Create A Success Mindset

How To Create A Success Mindset

Start thinking about what you would get if you had true financial independence in your life. Juice it up. How would it affect your health, relationships, pressure and time?


If you want to create a success mindset, or a millionaire mindset there's some simple processes you can follow to get started.

Here’s a classic exercise to do. This comes from Mark Anastasi, who we interviewed in our very first product. This exercise definitely helps hone your entrepreneurial character.

Mark told us to each take a piece of paper, and to sit down in a quiet space, with no distractions or interruptions, and brainstorm.

We recommend you really do this exercise. It’s a super powerful exercise which triggers a subconscious message to you about money.

You have to do this all in one go and it'll take approximately an hour or so. Note: it's essential to do it in one go because the longer you do it the better you'll get your mindset focused on ideas.

We're not going to share our list with you.  It's something you need to think out for yourself, and you'll gain much more benefit if you take the time to sit down and complete it.

Here's The Technique:

1. Write down a list of 50 reasons why you want more money
Make it as detailed as possible and just let the ideas flow.

2. Write down a list of 50 reasons why you don't want to settle for having none or very little money
Try and make this a list of new ideas, you don't just want the opposites of what you listed in step 1.

3. Now write down 100 different ways you can make money
It doesn't just have to be online it can be offline as well. Think about what skills you have, but also think into the future when you may have gained new skills. Don't stop until you get 100!

50 good and 50 bad reasonsThis is a great exercise to get you thinking creatively and pro-actively – and really gets you into a positive millionaire mindset.

We followed Mark's instructions to the T, so we each drew up our own lists.

We then combined both lists and sure, there was a bit of overlap, but amazingly not very much.

What Did We Get Out Of It?

Well, firstly we both brain-dumped our ideas by concentrating on ideas for an hour or so you can get very creative. We came up with some great product ideas we hadn't thought of before and realised there are so many ways to make money (online in our case), that there simply isn't enough hours in the day to do them all.

We also realised there were a huge number of services we could be doing, simple things we can outsource for others very easily.

But mostly we understood that we'd been thinking on a small scale instead of a grand scale.

What Can You Do With Your List?

Read it every day for a couple of weeks to get the ideas really ingrained into your mind.

Then with the list of ways to make money, drill down into each idea in more detail and formulate a schedule for what you can do now, and what can be left until later.

This is one of the best ways to change your mindset for ever. We've certainly got massive benefit from it and we're sure you will too.

So, can you now see that your beliefs and mindset can limit or expand your world?

Share in the comments any suggestions or tips you've got to get that super focused millionaire mindset? We’d love to know what you discover about yourself by doing this simple yet powerful exercise.


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Greg and Fiona Scott, Greg Scott. Greg Scott said: Check out this post: Create A Success Mindset […]

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