Relationship marketing is an extremely effective way to build long term customers. But are you doing it wrong?
Check out this video to discover the right way to conduct your relationship marketing.
You'll discover one of the pitfalls of relationship marketing, also known as attraction marketing.
The video itself is short and sweet, but the message is deep and meaningful – watch it now to get an insight into your relationship marketing and attraction marketing.
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Right on! If anybody has tried to sell insurance with only a name, address and courage to knock on a door this fact is very obvious. Success is only acomplished if a relationship is established in less than 30 seconds to get in the house or an appointment. It takes a lot of doors to get any business.
You’re so right Brian. And when it comes to paying to get visitors to your website, you need to get the most out of your advertising budget, so it makes complete sense to build relationships with your website visitors 🙂