Have you ever wondered what website content you can create to spread your message wide across the internet?
Or ever been stuck for ideas of how to create volumes of content?
We have a solution for you:
The key thing you need to know when creating website content, or online content, is: you need to syndicate it and distribute it once it's published.
What that means is you should create one piece of website content like a video or an article, then change it into different formats like a mp3 podcast of a slide presentation, and distribute those differing formats to the many content distribution websites on the internet.
For example if you create a video, get the video transcribed on rev.com and create a blog post then share that post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkdeIn etc etc.
Plus, you can easily extract the audio from the video and use that for a podcast, or distribute it to podcast sites like itunes. This results in many versions of your information or message, syndicated in many formats, all with back links to your website. How powerful is that?
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