The 4 Surprising Stages Of Profitable List Building

The 4 Surprising Stages Of Profitable List Building

Do terms like “online lead generation” and “online list building” make your eyes glaze over with confusion???

You're in the right place to replace that confusion with considered, understandable, information.

Maybe you’re struggling to build a following of raving fans who love your business and therefore support your lifestyle?

Perhaps you’re not aware of how people think and act online so need a few tips to guide you better?

When you click to watch the video below you’ll realise why you'll want to grab your Free List Building Report

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Don’t like watching videos? Then get reading – here’s the low down on the 4 Surprising Stages Of Profitable List Building

Stage 1: SUSPECT

It doesn't matter whether you're a beginner or a seasoned marketer, when people visit your website for the first time they'll be skeptical. It stands to reason because there are so many horror stories about online business and they initially don't know anything about you or your company.

So here's some things you can do to put them at ease.

Put your contact details on your website.

Show your address (if you're comfortable with that), and even better, have videos and photos on your website letting your visitors know who you are as a person, and what your business is all about.

Make sure you've also got plenty of testimonials and social proof posted on your website too!

Once people are satisfied you're genuinely there to help them, their skepticism subsides.

And if your offer of free helpful information is good enough they'll happily type in their email address to subscribe to your supportive emails.


So now your website visitor has joined your email list, it's your responsibility to build a relationship with them.

Start providing value to them so you can build up trust and establish yourself as a knowledgeable go-to person, even if you’re only a few steps ahead of the crowd yourself.

But what is value?

Providing tips and information about your industry, about other people you’ve helped, and about you and how you’ve struggled in the past.

You’ll gradually build up trust so the email recipient realises you're someone they may want to turn to for help or do business with you.

Trust takes time, so you need to persevere, persist and be patient.

Don't give up, because once you have enough trust established, that’s when your prospects turn into . . .


Customers! Customers buy your products, or products you're promoting.

A very smart move, once someone becomes one of your customers, is to start seeding the next sale. They already like your stuff, as they've bought from you once, so your products are valuable to them, and you can help them even more by providing other solutions to their problems by way of offering other products.

There's nothing worse than having to buy an additional product to support an initial product, so make sure your products are standalone. That means they work or solve a problem all by themselves.

So always keep providing related or complimentary products to your industry or niche.


Call them what you will, Raving Fans, Evangelists or whatever. But what you'll find is some people will just love your stuff.

These are great people to have as customers as they're hyperactive buyers and can't wait to snap up any new products you create.

They love what you do, love what you stand for, and also love to promote your products so make great affiliates.

Be warned though. You can't buy Evangelists. Evangelists are earned, and it's only by following the previous steps that you'll convert your Suspects into Evangelists!

That's the four surpirisng stages of profitable list building – but want to see those stages, in a nutshell, so to speak? Click through this slide show:

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Next Step . . .

Now that's just a small part of what you need to know for Profitable List Building.

So, how do you build a list and more importantly profit from it? Well here's a really easy way.

Even if you don't know the first thing about list building and you've never generated a single lead online, when you click here you'll download your FREE report “List Building For Profit”, and discover how to profit from your list fast and easy using a proven business system.


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