5 Worrying Warning Messages Caution You It’s Time To Wake Up

wake up to the internet

Emails bombard your inbox.

Many of them are unwanted spam!

Some make your toes curl – it's totally untargeted – and requires the mind of a gnat to send such garbage.

Annoyingly, it eats up precious time to delete such nuisance drivel each day.

BUT… SOME emails in your inbox (our emails, in particular), deliver the stuff you deserve to know – the valuable, life-changing information and advice you stuck your hand up for and said:

“Yes, Greg & Fiona – I want to learn more about digital marketing and how I can leverage the internet to create time freedom for me and my family”

However, this morning we had 5 people unsubscribe from our mailing list. Not a big deal – it's normal and happens every day. Unsubscribers are par-for-the-course because we understand leveraging the internet is only for progressive forward-thinking people.

What concerned us this morning, was the messages those 5 people left when they unsubscribed (if you saw the stuff some idiots write when they unsubscribe, it'd make your toes curl – it's definitely not the language you'd use with your mother).

What Made Those 5 Messages Stand Out?

Well, thankfully, they didn't say anything abusive, swear, or use cusswords – we've developed thick skins towards that type of muck anyway (although we do wonder why people think they can be anonymous on the internet and are rude and crude at will!).

BUT… while we love all our customers and totally understand all most people want is to live a life of purpose and certainty, we're not at all worried if some folks don't want our help. That's OK. We'll continue to live or lives filled with passion and purpose, work where and when we choose and earn a great income too.

There's plenty of other options out there, so if people want to take them, it's their choice and congratulations to them for making a decision to change their lives.

What annoys the hell out of us is: most people simply don't WAKE UP to the opportunity the internet provides in this digital age.

Opportunities are right in front of their noses, and yet they make all sorts of excuses why they're not willing to open their minds for a few seconds, and possibly open the floodgates to a life they never imagined was possible.

Sadly, the lazy ones resign themselves to mediocrity, the status quo, the ‘old' traditional way.

Here's an insight into their limited thinking (and our take on each):-

5 Worrying Warning Messages Caution You It's Time To Wake Up:-

Worrying Warning Message 1

So the first message we got was someone who replied to an email:

“please DELETE my name from your list. THX”

This is as puzzling as the Theory of Relativity!

Firstly, the person willingly entered their email address in an opt-in form in order to receive free digital lifestyle video training from us. However, it's quite obvious they didn't even read our emails, because EVERY single email we send out has a link to unsubscribe in the bottom left-hand corner – as required by law.

They've got some easy-osey notion about the internet and the fact we're in a digital economy, which means the entire world relies on the internet more and more each day… so WHY do they bother entering their email address but never investigate the supplied information any further!?

This person wants to stay in their comfort zone in the hope something nice will change to improve their life without them having to lift a finger.

There's the bad news. NOTHING will change in their life unless they take action to make change happen.

The REALITY is – life doesn't give you anything unless you're willing to make a massive change in yourself first.

Worrying Warning Message 2

“I didn't subscribe to this spam”

Ummm. Yup. You did subscribe!

You simply can't remember what you've done one day to the next because all your days are so drearily boring and unfulfilling – so you can't recall opting in when you were in a stupor scrambling for answers on Youtube.

When you willingly entered your email address to be emailed free digital lifestyle training videos in exchange, it's NOT SPAM. For every single person on our email database who signed up to receive our free training video series – the database records the exact time, date, and the EXACT web page they signed up from (it's all digital information).

Ask us. We'll happily let you know if, like this chap, you can't remember when and where you voluntarily ‘handed over' your email address!

But what's really sad is, this person has the misperception EVERYTHING on the internet is a scam!

Many people get spam and scam mixed up!

From our experience, most people who think something is a scam have either had a bad experience already (us included), usually either a product which doesn't do what it said on the tin (presuming they followed the instructions to the T), or they naively invested in some push-button scheme that needs no skill to make money magically gush out their bank account! (which is impossible and non-existent)

So because it didn't work for them, most likely because they didn't exert any real effort or didn't treat it like a real business, they label it a scam – because it's easier to say something's a scam, rather than accept personal responsibility and blame for their failure! Seriously!

Worrying Warning Message 3

The third person who unsubscribed was amusing because what they said in their unsubscribe message is exactly what we teach people how to market any product or service on the internet!

It's also exactly how all companies market online and offline – and have done for centuries!

In fact… it's one of the Golden Rules of marketing which has been around since the year dot.

What are we talking about?

Do you know how most people NEVER buy anything the first time they see or hear about it?

Well, it's widely accepted and been well researched, people need exposure to a product or brand at least 7 times before they make an informed decision about buying it.

Think about the last electronic gadget you bought. You probably heard about it from a friend or colleague, then went on the internet to check it out, read reviews about it, then went to several different websites to research pricing, then either bought it online or went to the shop you thought gave the best deal (if you wanted it immediately and didn't wish to wait for it to be mailed to you).

But more importantly, we'd almost 100% guarantee you would've seen an advert about it, either on the internet, TV, in a store, or wherever.

We're all exposed to advertising every minute of the day. And you might very well be thinking – “advertising doesn't affect me”.

advertising broadband

Let's think about that for a minute.

If advertising doesn't affect you, and we assume it doesn't affect most other people either, why is it a multi Billion Dollar industry?

…Because it gets results!

How did you first come across us?

From an advertisement…

Maybe Facebook, maybe you went to a website, or you could've found us on Google or YouTube. Either way, all advertisements.

Anyway, the third person who unsubscribed today typed:

“Because it seems to me anybody that keeps banging on about there product as much as you do is just a sign of desperation I'm sorry to say.”

(the ‘there' isn't a typo – it's what he actually typed!)

Unfortunately, this guy told us in his message exactly how to market anything online or offline, he simply can't see the wood from the trees. (obviously, it's not just ‘banging on' about your product but you get the picture!)

Another missed opportunity. Eyes wide shut!

Worrying Warning Message 4

This one's a hum-dinger.

It's totally ironic.

This lady unsubscribed from our email database and commented:

“too much information
have not the time to read it all”

The whole point of building a sustainable lifestyle business is to get your quality time back and do as your heart desires.

The savvy individuals who get this point, who really understand the practicality of having big chunks of their business humming along on autopilot so they have the time freedom they crave… they choose to MAKE TIME to learn the future-proofing skill of building an online marketing business:

  • they study and learn when they're commuting
  • they don't watch telly or read the newspapers (it's all negative anyway)
  • they get up an hour earlier each day to have time to study
  • they learn how to avoid distractions
  • they learn how to remain focused
  • they eliminate procrastination from their vocabulary… and most importantly
  • they treasure time wisely!

Cut to the chase – free up 15-20 hours a week, in order to ditch the status quo, and, in turn, embrace the emerging new world of the digital economy.

Every great thing in life requires a small sacrifice – in this instance, a small sacrifice to invest time today, in order to build a business around your lifestyle, rather than a lifestyle around your business.

Makes sense, right?

Nothing worth having is ever free and easy.

Worrying Warning Message 5

We've saved the worst excuse till last 🙁

It's along the lines of Message 4, but more deadly:

“thanks for your info, it makes total sense, but it's not the right time sorry”

Sadly for this lady, we suspect it's never going to be the right time. We know – there's no point whatsover waiting until she gets laid off, or till she gets a pay increase to fund her marketing budget, or she waits till retirement… as she's yet to learn the pivotal lesson ‘there's no time like the present'. Which is super SAD.

We ALL know the saying: Someday will never come.

Timing will never be perfect!

There are many, many quotes from famous achievers on the topic of timing to get started (and you'd think successful people ought to know a thing or three about when to take action – NOW!), so we won't labour the point.

What you need to understand…

If anything in this blog post has made any amount of sense to you, believe us when we tell you:- you're tons better off building an online business today, when you see the complete sense of it, rather than waiting until the planets are aligned, or until necessity dictates it (we've been there – it's not pleasant), or until ‘it's too late'


It truly saddens us to see people who are ‘fast asleep' to the progressive ways of the world. They have their heads buried in the sand. Someday, they'll wake up, and frantically scramble for help. By then, it'll be too late. 🙁

As you're reading this far, we realise you're serious about building a lifestyle business by leveraging the internet.

As we said, we're happy when people don't want to work with us or learn from the transformational information we share – we simply can't help people who don't want to be helped – so there's always an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each and every email.

Time is precious to us too, so it's a happy circumstance to have people self-select – or self-delete as the case may be…

Our mission is to WAKE UP people to the fact the internet is there, waiting, loaded with the opportunity… but it's not going to be handed to them on a plate. They need to investigate, have an open mind, take action. We can only help those who are prepared to help themselves first. Some people simply can't be bothered, which is sad.

What we do online works – it's an ethical business model – and we enjoy a lifestyle we never dreamed was possible, which is totally disproportionate to the amount of time and effort we've invested.

So if you're hungry for change and you've got a thirst for freedom and flexibility, take your test drive of the exact same digital business system that gave us the kick start to live the life we love and discover what'll do for you too.

It only costs $29.95. We reckon it'll be the best $29.95 you've ever spent.

“(Oops was that an advertisement?!)” 🙂

The Laptop Lifestyle Experts

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